Spirit West Coast 1999

These pictures were taken at Spirit West Coast 1999 by Thomasina. You can see more pictures like these at Petra Rocks My World! and The Rock Cries Out.

Pete Orta, John Schlitt, & Lonnie Chapin

John, singing his heart out

in John RAPPING??

Louie Weaver


(notice the blood on shirt and guitar from playing!)

a nice close-up of Pete

Pete, looking happy!

Pete and Lonnie, rockin' out!

the newest addition to Petra, Trent Thomason!

Lonnie with ball-cap hair; Trent in the background

Trent again

Trent rockin', Lonnie chillin'

John & Lonnie

John & Lonnie in a goofy moment

Trent sings We Need Jesus...

...and John approves!

Pete, Lonnie, Trent & John... where's LOUIE???

hits since August 29, 1999.
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