Hot Springs, Arkansas is a beautiful city. Unfortunately, it was really late by the time Michael and Cathy made it into town; the restaurant was long closed by the time they got checked in (after 1am), and nothing else in town was open, so they wound up going to bed without any dinner! The next morning they got up and got ready for a fun day... they planned to go to
Lake Catherine State Park to see the beautiful waterfalls there. They brought their video camera along, and when they stopped for gas they got it out to play with it a little bit. One of the funniest things that happened to them during the trip was when one of the ladies who was working in the gas station came out and said, "Why are you guys videotaping the gas pump? Did you just get married or something??"
Lake Catherine State Park is beautiful, as you could expect from a place in a lovely state like Arkansas. Unfortunately, Cathy had forgotten her tennis shoes at home, so she had to hike the trail to the waterfall in some soft brown boots she had brought, which was not easy for her... but the waterfalls were worth it. They took some more video at the waterfalls, just goofing around, and some of the funniest moments on their video happened there.
When we got back from the lake, we found that the parking lot of
our hotel was full of TV trucks. Saturday there had been an awful accident in the lake we were staying on; a boat had sunk and killed over a dozen people within less than a minute. We wondered why everyone was broadcasting right from the hotel we were staying on until we looked at the television news and saw the same people there that we could see outside! The accident was a terrible tragedy, and the news from all of the stations were doing live remotes. One of the stations did a live remote the next day as well; Michael caught that one on the video camera!
Tuesday Michael and Cathy decided to sleep late and stay in for the day. Monday evening they had gone to Red Lobster and had crab legs, but Tuesday they ordered room service and lazied around the hotel room a while. That evening they had a little bit of a scare... the tornado front that had devestated Oklahoma City just a few days before finally made it to Hot Springs, and there were some tense moments for them as they heard the tornado warnings on the TV news and saw that one was scheduled to hit within just a few minutes! As it turned out, nothing hit Hot Springs, but the two of them were probably a little more concerned about it for a half hour or so than you would expect two Tulsa residents to be!
Wednesday they packed up their things and checked out of the hotel just before checkout deadline. The weekend had been exciting and fun, and after the wedding itself, very restful. They had made the first step in their life together, and they are looking forward to a long, wonderful marriage!
If you haven't already, why not take a look at the wedding pictures?
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