After getting their license made out at the courthouse,
Michael and Cathy were on the way back to the chapel for their ceremony. The ceremony itself (which finally happened at about 9:00pm!) was very beautiful... Cathy looked gorgeous in her pink dress, and Michael looked pretty nice himself in his black suit. (Click here to see the pictures from the wedding.) She had gotten so nervous that she actually had forgotten to get his ring out of her purse (!), but besides that the ceremony was wonderful! They had him play Petra's song Love for them as they lit the candles:
Lighting all those candles together (and they lit nearly all of them before the song ended and started over!) was symbolic to them of all the things they would work at together for the rest of their lives. When the whole back part of the chapel was lit up with candles, they picked up two candles and lit a unity candle, which was given to them as a souvenir to light again on their anniversaries.
Their first kiss as man and wife was incredible. Later watching the video, Cathy and her friend Tracie timed the kiss as twelve seconds! When they finished with that kiss, Michael looked up to find that Cathy was crying... not something she likes to do in front of people, even Michael.
That love that was so strong that it burst out that way in front of a relative stranger and a video camera for everyone to see is something that he felt too, and that is the thing that they hope to cultivate and cause to grow through the years of their marriage.
After the ceremony was done, the two of them were off to their honeymoon in Hot Springs, Arkansas!
Next: read about The Honeymoon!
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